vrijdag 25 juli 2014

Volunteering at the B.E.S.T. Centre in Cape town and receiving a Grant as part of a “Blue Sky Initiative”.

My name is Karin van Tol, 37 years old and I am currently working as a Learning & Development Manager at an International Company (Johnson Controls) within the Automotive Industry. My passion is to coach and guide people in their personal growth. Since more than 15 years I am working in this corporate business environment, being responsible for people and leader development. It was time for me to be inspired in a different way, using my skills and put my passion into practice in a total different environment. For that reason, I applied for volunteering at the B.E.S.T. (Basic Education and Skills Training) Centre School in Cape Town, South Arica to support children in specific circumstances with their individual development and ability to enhance their life skills and improve their level of the English language. This volunteer project is called the LAST Chance project and is coordinated by the Teachers for Africa Foundation.

In September 2013 I have applied to volunteer for this project during the month of February been volunteering and supporting 13 children in the age between 12 and 19 years with improving their level of English language, mainly focussing on their reading skills. I have spent every 2nd day approximately 30 minutes with each learner individually. Together we have been focusing on the correct pronunciation of the letters and words, increasing the Learner’s English vocabulary and improving their reading skills.

In parallel I have build a trusted relationship with each learner and hopefully also contributed to enhancing their confidence in their capabilities.In the five weeks I have been at the B.E.S.T. Centre, I have had a great time and I will never forget the Learners and Educators, they all have conquered a space in my heart!

I really would like to thank Mr. Solomon and all Educators for their friendliness and openness to get to know them better, giving me the feeling of being part of the team and by sharing their habits and culture. Everyone is so inspirational and passionate. The way they treat and approach the learners is much disciplined, but with a good sense of humour. This has been a great and life lasting experience for me. I have gained so much inspiration and positive energy.

In our company we do have an Initiative called “the Blue sky Initiative”. This initiative gives our employees the opportunity to nominate foundations and specific volunteer projects for a grant of Dollar 1.000,-. Criteria for applying are that you as employee need to have contributed to this project in terms of time investment and sharing your skills.

I have nominated the LAST chance project for this initiative and we have received the confirmation that the B.E.S.T. centre will receive the amount of Dollar 1.000,- from our company. They will use the amount for the course of buying school uniforms for the learners who can’t afford to pay for the uniforms themselves and also to assist with the feeding scheme. Learners who are writing the final exam at the end of the year indicated that they would like to have a farewell ball for which they can use this amount very well.

Thank you Teachers for Africa Foundation that you support these great and valuable projects in South Africa and give volunteers also the opportunity to have a life lasting great experience! All the Best, Karin van Tol.

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